The sign at the door said no photo so I’m on the balcony trying to take it all in. Below me is the main floor of the casino, a large hall with plush red carpets, brown panels on the wall that look like leather and all around the room the fixtures and fittings are polished to a golden sheen. About 50 gambling tables, topped in green or red cloth depending on the game, are spread out in the room. At each one of them sits a dealer clad in dark green a jacket, buttoned all the way up, with golden epaulets on the shoulders, which make them look more like military officers than card dealers. Around many of the tables – but not all, it’s a week day after all – are people checking their cards and placing their chips. At the focal point of the room, on round gilt platform, sits a large egg in what I assume is alabaster, glowing in shifting colors. The whole room is imbued with the sense of luxury and glamour that befits a casino…but it’s not my taste.