Yesterday was wholly dedicated to moving from one place to another. The original plan was to leave Vis in the morning and head for the island of Korcula and from there move on to Dubrovnik. Unfortunately this is only possible over the course of several days, with careful planning.  With less careful planning it can take up to one week. However, we were set on going to Korcula so we headed back to Split with the ferry, waited there for a few hours then headed out again to Vela Luka on Korcula. By the time we got there it was already evening so we simply found a place to live (I had to dust off my German to do that) and called it a day.

When we woke up this morning I went to find out how we could get from Vela Luka on one side of the island, to Korcula town on the other. Turns out there are no good buses on Saturdays so we ended up taking an expensive taxi. This was rather annoying. A further annoyance was that I woke up in the morning with a pretty severe cold.

We did however see a bit of Korcula town while waiting for the next ferry and even got to see the house where Marco Polo was allegedly born. Now we are on the ferry to Dubrovnik hoping for a more interesting day tomorrow.