Thursday morning was spent preparing for our departure at a leisurely pace. We also rowed out to the little island nearby, and as we were landing I told Yini to take the bow line and jump ashore. From where I was sitting I didn’t see how far it was but apparently it was too far because poor Yini lost her balance trying to get over and fell in the water. Luckily neither her camera or her phone were damaged.

After lunch we packed up the last things, got in the car and drove to Västerås. There we split up, my parents and brother going back to Örebro, and the rest of us took the train to Stockholm.

When we arrived we found our hotel then went out for dinner. We were hoping to go to a place my mom had recommended, but it was full so we ended up in a so so Korean restaurant nearby.

After dinner we headed back to the hotel but got off one stop early and walked through old town back to the hotel. It was a bit too far for Yini’s father but he and her mother enjoyed the view of Stockholm in the sunset so much it didn’t seem to bother them that much.