Since it was raining heavily the night before we had started to plan some indoor activities for the day, but when we woke up the rain had subsided and there were some blue patches in the sky so we skipped those plans. Instead we decided to go to the beach, because that’s what you do in Kenting. Yini had ferreted out information on some kind of secret beach so of course we had to go there. It doesn’t really feature on the maps and there are no clear signs but after some searching we found it. It’s between Maobitou beach and Houbihu harbor, near a cliff that pokes out from the middle of the road.

We followed a small path through a patch of jungle and after about 100 meters it opened up into a small, secluded bay of coarse coral sand and turquoise water, surrounded by oddly shaped coral cliffs. Following the path further a little bit further we came to a second, smaller bay with a band of coral cliffs blocking out the waves.
Entering the path Coming out to the first beach The first beach Continuing the path The beach Me going for a swim
I spent a good hour or so swimming around in the lagoon, exploring the various canyons and pathways among the coral formations and feeling the flow of the water. It was really fun, but I wish I had remembered to bring my mask and snorkel. Yini contented herself with sitting on the beach contemplating.
After my swim it was high time we set off north, so we got back in the car and left Kenting, driving along the coast. A few kilometers further along the road, we stopped at a beach side restaurant for some late lunch. The food was so so, but they had a good view of the beach. As a small bonus there were also a few abandoned houses next to the restaurant.
I really like these little lights
Since we had a rather long drive ahead of us, we decided to not stop anywhere along the road. Shortly after setting off it also started to rain rather heavily so we didn’t miss much (I might go back on to the area for a urban exploration tour some time). With a bit of luck we managed to avoid most of the big traffic jams on the way home, and we arrived around eight in the evening. It was a good trip but I doubt we will want to go for such a long drive any time soon.
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