Last week one of my best friends got married so of course I had to fly back to Sweden to be there for him. Renegade Wife and I spent the week before the wedding in Göteborg meeting up with old friends in lots of different constellations which was great fun. In fact, I had too much fun chatting with them to remember to take photos.

Anyway, the wedding was on Saturday last week. The ceremony was a bit unusual compared to most Swedish ones I’ve been to since the bride has polish ancestry, but beautiful all the same and the couple looked very happy together. The party in the evening was really good too.

After the wedding, Yini and I went up to Örebro to meet my parents. As it was April 30, we went up to Örebro Castle to celebrate Walpurgis Night, a tradition celebrated in several parts of Europe, among them Sweden; people light big bonfires and nowadays also set off fireworks to celebrate the arrival of spring. I haven’t been to a proper Walpurgis celebration in years and this one was really good, with a big bonfire on a raft floating in the castle moat, a choir singing spring time hymns and a massive fireworks display.

The fireworks

The day after Walpurgis, we set off north to the family’s summer house at Lake Haggen, Dalarna.  We spent a couple of days there alternating between yard work like felling trees and clearing up the jetty, and just relaxing in the spring sun. After a couple of months in front of the computer I always feel good to get my hands dirty and do a bit of manual labor felling trees or something like that.

One of the days we also took a short hike through the forest to take a look at the remains of a historical iron mine that my dad had found out was in the area. It is not marked on any map so it was fun that we actually managed to find it. On the way back we also discovered a small hilltop where the ground was absolutely covered in white moss which really special because that kind of moss is fairly rare. Since most of the time there was spent working I didn’t get a lot of photos either but I have a few good ones.


The white moss hill top

Reading in the sun

The last few days of the trip were spent at my parents house back in Örebro. We didn’t really don anything noteworthy there so I’ll end the post here. It’s been great to go back to Sweden and see my friends and family, now, back home and back to work.

Midnight at lake Haggen