The collected writings of a Renegade Tourist

Tag short story

Weather Station 74

Data Log 4:57:00 Am: Hello?

Data Log 4:58:00 Am: Can anyone hear me?

Data Log 4:59:00 Am: Where am I?

Find out what happens

The Cloud

One day a cloud appeared above Joseph K’s head. He didn’t pay much attention to it at first, most people don’t care about such things. As the day wore on however, he started to notice it. It was a small, fluffy white cloud, casting an irregular, light-gray shadow, roughly centered on Joseph. What he paid most attention to was that shadow but, he thought to himself, it might just be a big cloud very high up. On the second day it was raining and the cloud was there of course, cause that’s where clouds are supposed to be when it’s … Read the rest

The Sound of Glass

The most terrifying sound that I know is that of slowly cracking glass. That long, drawn out crunch as the fissure propagates across the pane, which tells you something is about to go wrong and the worst thing about it is, there is nothing anyone can do to stop it. I did not have this fear two weeks the rest


”Angels! They're real!” the old man slurred, his face inches from mine, his breath stinking of alcohol. ”Is that so,” I replied in a flat voice, turning away to avoid the stench. ” 'as right, as real as you or me,” the man said matter-of-factly, ”but they're not what you think they are.” ”Uh-hu,” I mumbled, taking a swig of my beer. ”Just ignore him,” Miriam hissed beside me. ”God and The Devil are real too,” the man continued, seemingly oblivious to my disinterest, ”but their roles are reversed.” 
”What do you mean?”  Continue reading

The Agency

There was something wrong with Sara's husband. The change in his behavior was subtle, but after being together for ten years she could feel that something was wrong. She asked him about it but he insisted that everything was fine. She tried to let it go but the feeling persisted and after two weeks she couldn't stand it anymore; she needed to find out what was going the rest

The Arm

The four young men had been casually observing the stranger at the bar for over an hour. Jared gave Simon a nudge:
– You should go talk to him.
– Why me?
-Cause you’re fecking starin’ at him.
-Nah, I don’t wanna be rude.
-Come on, you wanna know about his arm, just go and ask.
-I can’t, it’d be too weird, even for me.
-Don’t be such a wimp, just do it.
Simon took a swig of his beer and thought for a moment then he got to his feet. “Alright,” he said giving Jared a look, “I’ll do … Read the rest

God’s Build Log

Build log day 1:
I'm hereby starting a new project. The aim is to build some kind of machine that is able to operate completely independently without any tether. This means an onboard power source as well as a fully embedded control system. The task for this machine is unimportant but for the sake of proof of concept, I have set the goal for the machine to "moving around without crashing into anything". If I can succeed in that, I plan to make it interact with the environment in some way but I leave the specifics of that to the future. I thought about calling the project Dog, as in my own name backwards, but after thinking about it for a while I settled on Man as short for Mechatronical Android... continue reading

Fictionalizing the News No. 14: The Bee Killer

He took a few deep breaths to calm himself down, and as soon as the immediate rage had subsided he started pacing back and fourth in the kitchen, thinking things over in what he considered to be a more rational the rest

Fictionalizing the News No. 13: The Asylum Seeker

Hamid and Babak were seated at the small table in their shared room at the refugee center. Officially it was an 'initial reception center for asylum seekers' but no one – neither the Germans nor the people living there - called it that; to Hamid and Babak it was just ' the barracks'. They were playing cards as usual, there wasn't much else to do other than watch TV in the common room or go into town. The former meant being stuck with German TV channels and neither of them spoke enough German to enjoy it, and the latter required money which they didn't have. So they were stuck playing the rest

Oxventure Chronicles: The Spicy Rat Caper

It was mid morning when Dob entered Caster Falls. Following the noises of people and animals he made his way to the main market square. Once there he surveyed the vendors and people milling about, not a single one with green skin, so he unslung his lute, stepped into the middle of the square and started playing his sister's the rest here

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