The collected writings of a Renegade Tourist

Tag Göteborg

Chalmers tvärgata 10:29 pm

It is the first clear night in days, maybe even weeks. The sky is a deep blue, as close to black as possible with a few bright stars here and there. Above me is a plume of white smoke, clear against the sky, rising with a soft woosh from a nearby smokestack. The smoke flows in front of the full moon which shines through, creating a yellowish halo with orange edges. The picture is framed by the roofline of a house at a strange angle on one side, and the barren branches of a tree  on the other. As for … Read the rest

Utlandagatan 0:45 am

The fog lies thick over the city, dampening sounds and blurring shapes. In front of me stands a tree, spreading its dark green branches across a background of boring buildings. A street light is shielded by the foliage, leaves turning a vivid gold within the sphere of its glare; the rays forming cones of light through the fog, like search lights. Taking a few steps makes the cones shift as if following me then disappear altogether as I continue home.… Read the rest

My place, 3:10 am

To the left the sky is filled with blue-tinted grey clouds that form a ragged edge where they meet a sky shifting in colors. It starts high up as a washed out yellow that streaks the edges of the cloud rags then changes to orange and later pink closer to the distant hills. The gradient sweeps to the right turning the sky light blue then grey with hazy clouds that seem to be part of the hills. Down below the city still dwells in darkness except for the warm glow of street lights.  A cool breeze gently ruffles the darkened … Read the rest

The Avenue 4:12 pm

I just high-fived a wild teenager! I was on my bike, passing one of the trucks full of dancing, shouting high-school graduates when one of them (I didn’t even see his face) stretched out his hand and I just couldn’t leave him hanging there so I put up my hand and let the forward speed of my bike make it a high-five. Yes, it is that time of the year again when the city is filled with white dresses, black suits and happy smiles under white hats. Somehow the graduation weeks happen to coincide with the pride festival so the … Read the rest

Utlandagatan 0:33 am

The fog envelopes the city like a heavy blanket and blurs all edges. A short distance away the surrounding buildings disappear in the murk. There is a halo around the moon and around the streetlights and in the closest light droplets can be seen swirling like smoke. The faint swosh of a car comes towards me and I can see the beams of light sweeping the ground in front of it.  Thursday night, no one is out and about except me, everything is dampenedd by the mist. Were it not for my infected eye this would actually be very enjoyable … Read the rest

Utlandagatan 5:19 pm

The afternoon sky is a clear baby blue and a happy sun shines down on the denizens of the neighbourhood. I am walking with a brisk step in the rather chilly April air. Residential houses and small restaurants flow passed me as I walk. Even though the fine weather is making me cheerful it is all the same as yesterday and the day before and every other day. Only one thing is worthy of note: all the people sitting at tables out on the curb; just because this is one of the first really sunny spring days. It’s a phenomenon … Read the rest

By the window 11:41 am

Down in the yard between the apartment buildings just outside my flat there is an army of people milling about. Children in brightly colored winter clothes are horsing around like children do, nothing unusual with that. What catches my attention are the grown ups who are standing around, evenly spread out among the playing children like beacons of grayness in a sea of sound and color. Each person is holding some sort of shovel, feverishly hacking away at the layer of ice and snow on the ground. They are trying to clear the snow with hand tools while nature, being … Read the rest

In my flat 5:50 pm

I look up from my computer for a minute  and notice I need to switch on the light as the room is getting dark, then, as I turn in my chair reaching for the light switch I happen to glance out the window.  From the low position in my chair the boring blocks of flats just outside are hidden by the window frame and all I see are the forest clad hills and the sky. Speckled with houses the hill is surprisingly green despite the spring not having reached my city, and the sky is a light blue with a … Read the rest

Park by my old apartment 7:27 pm

A snow-clad soft, low hill with a light post at the top casting a cone of light outwards like a beacon, rather than straight down; forming a bright circle at the bottom of the hill. Small, soft snowflakes floating slowly down from a misty, ever so slightly orange sky, caught in suspended animation in the beam of light. They hang frozen in the air yet moving slowly towards earth, twirling, tumbling flowing; a cone of bright little fairies dancing gracefully against a background of dark buildings and trees.… Read the rest

Outside my house 7:31 am

The air is cold and the sky is a clear blue. A single streak of cloud, coloured pink by the rising sun, crosses the sky like a streamer. I’m walking home in the early morning, slightly drunk from the night’s escapades, my knee is hurting and I hold a bag full of bottles that I “borrowed” from a party, in one hand. It is a beautiful morning but now it’s time to sleep.… Read the rest

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