The collected writings of a Renegade Tourist

Tag Badsäckingen

Photo post from southern Germany

For the last two months I have been on a business trip in southern Germany and Switzerland. I am finally back in Taiwan and I felt i should make a small post about it. Naturally I spent most of the time working but I had some chances to go travel in the area during the weekends. The places I went to were mostly just small German or Swiss towns and there’s really not much to tell expect showing the photos.

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Riverside path Bad Säckingen, 10:54 am

I’m sweating despite the early autumn chill, my heat is thumping in my chest and my breathing is labored. I’m running on a small path along the river, everything is damp from the rain, my steps squelch in the mud. To my right a single row of trees and beyond that the dim turquoise waters of the Rhein, ever flowing past me in the opposite direction. To my left a field of corn, the green stalks rising up to meet the milky sky that covers everything in the distance. I look up for a moment to see a mountain rising … Read the rest

Skiing in Switzerland

My company has sent me to Switzerland to do some work on a machine. So far I have mostly just seen the factory where the machine is, and a bit of local sightseeing in the small town where I live, so not very much to write about.

A bit of local tourism in Badsäckingen

Now that it is weekend however, I took the chance to go skiing. I took an early morning train from my little town near Basel to Engelberg. There I dropped my bags at the hotel, a pretty shoddy military barracks style of dormitory hostel, then went … Read the rest

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